Monday, October 22, 2012

Just came back from Dre's class home reading volunteer, and.. wow!! He's on level 4. While  some other kids are on level 18! O. M. G. I need to do something. WE need to do something about it. Operation home reading. Right after dinner tonight, no more slacking on my part.. Clearly, I'm failing him tremendously. 

Complacency is never a good thing!

U make me smile =)

Thursday, September 1, 2011

five short years later...


"My son is the best thing that's ever happened to me".
I've always wanted to be a mom but having been in a toxic relationship for the last few years kinda made the idea a bit blurry. I didn't believe it was the right time. And I certainly didn't think I should have a kid with him. Well, I kinda did and didn't. So when I found out that day I was pregnant, I cried. And I cried. And I cried some more.
But as days had gone by, I had learned one thing. That I still wanted to be a mom, after all that jungle of bullshit.
And I love being one!

U make me smile =)

Friday, July 29, 2011

one February morning...

As I sit patiently in the waiting room, couldn't help but wonder. Why am I so calm? Shouldn't I be nervous, even just a little bit? After all, I had been feeling "funny" for the last three long months, hence the doctor's appointment today. Call me crazy but I think I'm actually smiling. My brain is so damn relaxed, I couldn't be bothered worrying, really. 
Thoughts are running high. Could I be? Really? What would I do? Would I be any good?
After what felt like a millennium, finally my name was called to go in. And as I got up, then i started feeling queasy. Whoa! "That can't be good", my exact thought.
As the good lady doctor directed me to a seat, I thought to myself, "you'll be alright, you'll see". She asked me a bunch of questions. Along with, "do you have a boyfriend"? To which I answered "NO, just recently broken up" politely to. Then she insisted I take a pregnancy test. In which I insisted back, "it's just a flu or something". Obviously, more insisting and persisting ensued for a good five hysterical minutes.
"Umm, I don't think I'm pregnant if that's what you're trying to figure out".. The good lady doctor smiled which I thought at that time was not something she should be smiling to me about.  Needless to say, I took the test more to prove her wrong or so I thought.
As I'm reading it now, I have to laugh my head off. What a classic!
I sat there staring as those two magical baby-making blue lines appeared. I heard someone said "congratulations", "blah blah blah"... I got up, paid the bill and went straight outside.
"I bloody need fresh air! What the hell?! I'm what"?! How the hell?! For F*** sake!". Yes along those lines went the rest of that morning. Twenty minutes later, I rang my ex-accomplice and abused the crap out of him. Half hour later, we were sitting in the car staring at each other.. speechless. By then I was out of words. And he just looked lost. 

U make me smile =)

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Obviously, my bubbzy thinks mommy has this amazing artistic skills when it comes to face-painting, hence the proud loving smile I was generously awarded right after (sometime yesterday arvo) =D
U make me smile =)
Mommy's finished-product of her first (official) attempt in her long-time-challenged baking skill finally put to a mushy/gooey action, hehehehe... 
All the million precious thanks to my little gorgeous bundle of love and help, of course...
U make me smile =)

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Dreamy Donut

Yuhh-mmy!!! They are truly dreamy =) Dre & I couldn't get enough of it.. lol
U make me smile =)

Monday, December 20, 2010

What Charlie?!

Cool breezy monday arvo and we have decided to settle for an afternoon snack + a relaxing wholesome movie. If only we didn't have so much trouble picking which movie to watch.. Finally, mommy took matters in her own nasty hands and chose 'Charlie and the chocolate factory', which was expectedly followed by an echoing question.. "What Charlie, mommy"? "Who's Charlie"? "No, mommy. I don't like it"! Which was then followed by a whimpering whine, all in clear protest of course. Lasted about a minute, until the intro hit and all was good again =). "Mommy, you're a genius", coupled with the tightest hug and sweetest kiss ever invented!
U make me smile =)

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